

High-speed communications technologies have dramatically and permanently changed the way we communicate. Constant connectivity to voice, video and data is essential for living and working today.

Throughout your organization, whether enterprise or government, people rely more and more on the information-based business tools of the digital age. At Motorola, we’ve designed our point-to-multipoint (PMP) networks to provide reliable, rapidly deployable, cost effective wireless distribution and access of information.

Workforces are more mobile. To maximize productivity, workers must have access to the communications and information they rely on, not just when they need it, but where they need it. Our PMP wireless technologies combine field-proven reliability with high-speed perfor- mance data, voice and video communications that help you empower your workforce wherever they are.

Employees aren’t the only ones interested in your proprietary business information. Cyber crime is increasing, and along with it, the need for high-level network security. PMP networks provide multiple layers of encryption that ensures information is protected throughout the system. They also provide advanced authentication solutions,

helping you safeguard information by restricting access to your data. In addition, Motorola solutions provide for centralized management and remote troubleshooting that help you maintain peak network performance.

PMP wireless networks will enable your organization to deploy and extend high-speed communications faster and much more cost-effectively than fiber or wired solutions. Our networks significantly reduce the cost of deployment and speed time to market, allowing for installation in a matter of days or weeks as opposed to months or years for wired solutions. The platform’s exceptionally low acquisition, installation, operation and maintenance costs result in substantially lower cost of ownership (TCO), as well as delivery of ROI in just six to twelve months.
